It was a day that i started thinking about you....................
oh! oh! oh! where am i going?

Every stage of life is a state of imagination.Right from you brush your teeth, to your legs are inside the bed sheet.
If a handsome boy and a beautiful girl are in a bus bay,imagination starts and continues till they see each other.But,sometimes it stops in the very next moment when you get your bus. And followed by the next chapter of imagination which is waiting for the next stop.

Few people address imagination which determines power of mind,trying to capture a picture which is unseen,bla bla bla.and that's correct.

BUT why cant we try in other angle with that imaged word "imagination".?
Lets give a try.

Right from the basics!! :P :P

-->Word Imagination--Image+Nation.

World is all about imagination.
People get influenced when any political party is good in their marketing strategies and with good inspiring salesmen around.
And products? Votes.
Now the imagination starts for the NATION, which is just an IMAGE.
The question is, how long you can imagine?
-till the marketing ends?
-till you get a good remuneration for acting?
or till you get placed in a "chai wala company".(given to readers imagination about the company)

Grow up! Mr.Chai wala!
You dont have any right to install a software in humans mind to create an icon " just imagine".
Coz people are conscious atleast for few moments to use anti virus.
Nothing gonna fetch for the nation,But it is just a loss for the nation i.e.,use of diesel or petrol which you cant even imagine :P 

I pity with the people who gets influenced with practises and click on the icon "just imagine"!
If we go in practical, they have no other choice and these chai wala's are using for their own benefit.

My dear chai wala owners, stop your imagination about the targets they are pro"miss"ing. Be an image for the nation. Invent what are you.
Coz inventions are the results of Perfect ImageNation.

Warning for chai wala's :


---An Unknown To The World!
